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As of April 1, 2023, we are limiting new for-hire vehicle driver sign-ups in New York City, largely due to TLC’s utilization regulations. Create an account to join the waitlist to drive with Uber in NYC.

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Need a car to earn? Find rideshare car rentals near you

Rentals come with insurance and basic maintenance. Start earning with rentals from our vehicle partners.

Lowest available rates vary by city.

Get a car on your terms

Rent a TLC car today

Weekly rentals are flexible, and all vehicles have TLC plates and insurance included in the price. Our partners offer a variety of options, so you can drive and earn on your schedule. Learn about the offerings and schedule an appointment with our rental partners.

TLC licensing in NYC

To drive in New York City, you’ll also need a commercial license from the TLC (Taxi and Limousine Commission). Here's how to get one.

The information provided on this web page is intended for informational purposes only and may not be applicable in your country, region or city. It is subject to change and may be updated without notice. Photography is for demonstration only and not reflective of vehicle options in all locations. You must be approved to drive with Uber in order to qualify for new vehicle discounts lease options, car rental and fleet owner partnerships.

¹ Must be 25 or older and have a valid credit or debit card to rent a car. Weekend rental is Friday to Monday (72 hours maximum) from Hertz only.

² All discounts applied to invoice or lowest negotiated price at the dealer to new, unused, and unlicensed vehicles. You must be approved to drive with Uber in order to qualify for vehicle discounts. Vehicle eligibility for uberX or uberXL may vary by city.

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